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The Secret to Awakening Your Root- 

A free Integrative Pelvic Health Exercise




One of the most amazing experiences as a facilitator is seeing women's reactions to pelvic exercises⁣-⁣ many of them had no idea that they could feel their pelvic muscles so clearly.⁣⁣ That's is the beauty of working with anatomy-based and self-empowered bodywork: we begin to awaken bliss sensations and structures that have been dormant for so long⁣.
One of my favourite exercises is the pelvic flowering exercise. It is one of the practices we discover in our Integrative Pelvic Health facilitator training.

Here are the steps of the exercise:

1) Sitting cross-legged or lying down, begin to imagine your vaginal canal. If it helps, you can place a finger just at the opening and see the rest of the canal extending up into your pelvis.⁣⁣
2) Begin to see the canal as divided into 3 parts: a lower, middle, and upper part.⁣⁣
3) Continue breathing without holding the breath and send the instruction to your body to tighten the lower part of the canal only.  The first times, it is likely that you are engaging many other muscles in the pelvis since isolating a muscle movement takes time, but just sending the instruction begins the process of sensitisation. Do this 6 times.

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4) Then do the same for the middle part, and the upper part of the canal.⁣⁣
5) Once done with all 3 parts, imagine tightening them one after the other, first, second and third part, keeping it for a few seconds and then release.⁣⁣
6) As you do this, feel energy being pulled all the way from the outside to the inside of your pelvis.
7) As you relax all three parts, feel the energy moving down the yoni canal and blossoming at the bottom of the pelvis, imagining a radiant flower opening its petals.⁣⁣ Repeat the whole process 3-5 times.

I found this exercise extremely powerful in awakening feelings in the yoni- learning that both the action of tightening and relaxation can create bliss along with lasting pelvic health in all its facets.⁣⁣

I share other tutorials and exercises on my Instagram page.

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Until next time <3

Xx Sanya

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