Nervous System Balancing
& Fascia Repatterning Training
Apr 2024
Become a Somatic Release & Fascia Repatterning Professional.
Reclaim the power of slow and anatomy-based movement to reset your nervous system and repattern body memory.
Gain research-based skills to guide others in releasing old somatic patterns. Lead shamanic dream journeys that dissolve physical stagnation and speak to the subconscious.

The Fascia Repatterning & Nervous System Balancing Training liberates stagnant embodied sensations stored by the fascia of the muscles, the nerves, and the subconscious processes that include our emotions and our relationship with the people around us.
Rooted in psychology, transdisciplinary holistic education, and decades of anatomy & physiotherapy research, Nervous System Balancing & Fascia Repatterning Training offers a practical way to awaken hidden parts of the body and psyche to integrate the conscious and subconscious elements of ourselves.
Experience a ground-breaking program exploring the interconnections between nervous-system balanacing and fascia repatterning.
Join us for a cutting-edge professional training built on clinical research to unlock the hidden pathways between our fascia and nervous system.
Gain anatomy-based knowledge and equip yourself with our method's original body somatics practices.

Rewilding from the Root:
The original
Integrative Pelvic Health® Facilitator Training
100 hr foundational Module for the Holistic Somatic Healing Facilitator Certificate®
4 week online training in Pelvic Anatomy & Feminine Embodiment
Internationally accredited — Research-based — Trauma-sensitive
The original anatomy-based training for self-empowered pelvic health practice

Are you ready to connect to your most rooted, wild and embodied self? To awaken your pelvic chalice and guide others into the power that lies hidden in the female body?
Embodiment is the long-forgotten side of spirituality, intimately connected to the feminine way of being and flourishing. Its importance has been suppressed and cut out of many of our spiritual teachings. This knowledge is now returning.
Diving into the anatomy and sensations of our pelvis are a key in awakening our most intuitive, blissful and connected selves. It is at the very heart of the return of the divine feminine, bringing us fully into our body and the magic that lies hidden in the pelvic cradle. This course is designed to give you an unparalleled experience of the physical, energetic and mystical layers of the pelvis and womb, all while opening a new professional career path.
The original Integrative Pelvic Health® Facilitator Training is a proprietary, anatomy-based method that blends research-based women's pelvic work with inner womb journeying, resulting in a truly integrative modality to transform your personal and professional life.
Weaving the Enchanted with grounded body wisdom, this program teaches self-empowered bodywork that rests on 40+ years of research in the fields of Anatomy of Movement®, Shamanic Dream Journeying, Perineum & Movement® practice, Womb Healing, Osteopathy and Myo-Fascial Release.
This is a call for women to become guiding lights and leaders in a new wave of pelvic awakening, bliss embodiment and womb wisdom teaching— all while going on a personal, genuine and deeply feminine journey of transformation.
This training leads you through four portals...

This training leads you through four portals...

✨Portal 1: Awakening the Bones- Recovering the Pelvic Power Centre✨
Our bones give stability and structure to our bodies, and they are vital tissues that are often forgotten- carrying a direct association with our ancestral lifeline and all the gifts that lie buried within us. In this week, you will discover how to feel and nourish the bony structure of the pelvis, all while connecting with your ancestral tree of life with its power to transmute and rebirth. This Gateway also sets the foundation for building your own sessions in a way that is grounded to create a safe, profound container.
Anatomy Focus: The bony structure of the pelvis- localisation and experiencing, The Biomechanics of the pelvis, Pelvic Mapping- Multisensorial Discovery, Decompression of the Pelvis- Preparing for a new body experience.
Womb Journey Focus: Running with the Wolves, Meeting Baba Yaga.
Teaching Method Focus: Setting the Space, Connecting to the Heart & Asking for Guidance, Creating initial Structures for your Sessions, Embracing Space.
✨Portal 2: Supported From the Root-Healing the Pelvic Sensations✨
This week takes us into the first sensations of our Pelvic Muscles, deeply connected to our ability to live an embodied and joyful life. We will work with some of the most effective exercises to begin awakening pelvic sensitivity and body knowing. The womb journeys will guide you into healing your first memories of yourself as a woman, rewriting your young Maiden experience and embracing your felt sense of beauty beyond the shadow of "not enough" so you can discover a deep awe for your body.
Anatomy Focus: The Superficial Muscles of the Perineum, Contraction and Relaxation, Vertical Migration of the Pelvic Muscles. Posterior and Anterior Triangle.
Womb Journey Focus: Resurrecting the Wild Body, The Maiden Awakening
Teaching Method Focus: Finding Your Voice- vocal modulation, projection & speed, Group Listening, responding to a client's needs.

✨Portal 3: Into the Deeper Layers-Reclaiming the Sensual Self.✨
As we move into the deeper layers of our pelvic muscles, we will learn to fully feel our entire yoni with with its potent downward & upward moving motion. You will experience the importance of balancing profound contraction with deep relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles, and how this supports full body health & pleasure. Womb time journeys will lead us into our sensual nature, along with a travel up into the Cosmic Womb & down to the Earth Womb to accompany the felt energy flows in the body.
Anatomy Focus: Deep Muscles of the Pelvic Floor, the Pelvitrochanteric muscles, Discovering Fast and Slow Muscle Fibres. Decompression of the Perineum.
Womb Journey Focus: Sensual Innocence, Gnostic Tree of Life Journey.
Teaching Method Focus: Leading from a relaxed space. Learning to keep a rhythm. Moving between structure and free flow. The Pause Method.
✨Portal 4: Living Integrated- The Fully Embodied Creator Woman✨
The last spiral takes us into a lived and visceral integration of pelvic embodiment. We dive into the fascinating and often forgotten myo-fascial connection between our rib cage and the pelvis, our heart space and our root, discovering advanced practices for profound pleasure, heart opening and radiant body health. In this week's inner womb journeys, you are be guided to meet your feminine wisdom linage, learning how to move between the worlds and live guided by flow and synchronicity. You will also discover advanced teaching methodology to help you share deeply transformational sessions that are uniquely yours.
Anatomy Focus: Introduction to Pelvic Bliss Breathing, The Connection between the Thoracic and Pelvic Diaphragm. Introduction to Fascia and Myo-Fascial Chains in relation to the Pelvis and Pleasure Sensation.
Womb Journey Focus: Meeting your Feminine Wisdom Keepers, Becoming a Traveler between the Worlds, Living Daily Life from your Own Inner Compass
Teaching Method Focus: Crafting themes & story lines. Writing your own immersive womb journeys, Incorporating music. Planning longer offerings.
Integrated Transformation:
The 3 Pillars of Holistic Somatic Healing®
Experiential Anatomy-
Knowing the Embodied Self
Experiential Anatomy-
Knowing the Embodied Self
This pillar addresses a critical need in the professional healing community: the need for comprehensive, clear and experientially rich pelvic anatomy education for women.
Its core strength derives from a repertoire of refined, research-based exercises to deepen accurate knowledge of our pelvic root & give a concrete, felt experience of the joy that resides in the female body, moving beyond energetic language into the realm of grounded wisdom.
We answer a vital demand for female body knowledge that is often absent even in long-term study programs, allowing graduates of the course to become leaders in a new and growing wave of pelvic education— all while empowering women to feel their own bodies without depending on outer gurus or therapy settings.
Somatic Dream Journeys-
Immersing in Feminine Mysteries
Once we ground into the presence of the body, we open a portal for inner knowing that moves through the physical into our intuitive, emotional realms.
Somatic Dream Journeys into our womb are a direct way to awaken the deep intuitive self.
This practice is also at the heart of the lost feminine mystery teachings that are now returning back into our awareness.
Throughout the course, you will experience this body-soul alchemy that begins with the body and leads straight into your inner world, inviting you to not only align with your own inner compass but to teach the same to others through beautiful shamanic journeys.
Teaching Methodology-
Weaving Containers of Enchantment
Teaching Methodology-
Weaving Containers of Enchantment
The dance between feminine free flow and structure is a key in creating compelling sessions that are truly transformational.
In the teaching methodology modules,
you will learn to create a container that is grounded, safe and evokes genuine trust among your participants.
Topics like session structure, voice projection, modulation, planning of longer events and session pace will provide you with a pedagogical tool kit that will polish your delivery and create a loving space where connection naturally blossoms. These modules are templates showing you how to weave containers for the enchanted to unfold.
🔻Become a certified teacher of Holistic Somatic Healing with a focus on Integrative Pelvic Health®
🔻Start your professional client practice as a Pelvic Specialist for 1-on-1's and groups
🔻Become initiated in shamanic dream journeying & meet your own feminine lineage
🔻Access cutting-edge pelvic education based on 40+ years of research
🔻Offer a unique research-based repertoire of anatomy practices & womb journeys
🔻Accompany women in reclaiming their lives and their bodies
🔻Skilfully tune into the needs of your clients and the support they need
🔻Embody a sense of joy, bliss and creative power in your personal and professional life
🔻Share research-based practices that support women's pelvic health in all stages of life
🔻Craft individual and group sessions that carry your signature and make you stand out
🔻Experience a personal connection to the feminine mystery teachings
🔻Understand the anatomical basis for pleasure sensation and how to deepen it
🔻Be at the forefront of a new wave in pelvic health education and teaching
This training enables you to...
Original Professional Anatomy Drawings

✨Support your students in knowing their pelvic bowl from the inside out✨
To help you create professional, in-depth and well-structured session for your participants, you will receive bonus anatomical drawings created in collaboration with other artists.
These detailed, beautiful and accurate drawings enhance your session through a powerful visualization that will support your students in recognizing, locating and reclaiming the tissues of their pelvic crown.
What's included:
22 in-depth teaching modules on pelvic anatomy based on the Anatomy of Movement® method
A 80 page multi-part manual with templates for anatomy exploration + step-by-step guidance for crafting sessions
13 video modules on pedagogy, teaching style and methodology
4.5 hours of recorded dream time and womb journey sessions for replay and study
4 weekends with live group sessions during the course (in person zoom sessions + lives) to allow for integration & exchange
Peer-to-peer training sessions to share your skills with fellow students and gain practical feedback
Daily mentoring through our private group where you can ask questions, share and go deeper
Membership in our graduate mentoring group to receive continued support from the community & grow your new career
Guaranteed Access to the online course platform for 1 year
Added Special Focus:
The Pelvic Voice-
Vocal Liberation from the Root
In this special module, you will discover how to open into your most aligned, rooted voice by connecting to the pelvis first.
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What students are saying:
"Integrative Pelvic Health was the modality I needed to take my woman's embodiment work to the next level. The teacher is such a beautiful and loving soul, and her work is filled with pristine magic, depth and wisdom of the feminine body and spirit. Not only did I learn incredible knowledge about the pelvis, and beautiful somatic exercises to use with my clients, but I also received a deeper connection to my own body wisdom and sacred womb. Thank you for all that you put into this training. I'm looking forward to continue to study and learn from you."
~ Johanna Lily
Feminine Leadership Mentor & Integrative Pelvic Health® Facilitator

Double-certified and internationally accredited—
Our modalities are registered as original proprietary methods and our professional training courses are recognized by the world's leading governing bodies for holistic practices:

Frequently Asked Questions
Teaching Methodology-
Weaving Containers of Enchantment
What makes the Integrative Pelvic Health® training program different from others?What makes this program different is its blend of research-based bodywork, dream journey practices and teaching methodology that is crafted to address the needs of women in a creative, comprehensive way. While many trainings cover aspects of anatomy, they are typically not built from the ground up as an anatomy-based method. Often times, we see anatomy as a topic that "should" be covered, or as a trending buzzword put to the top of a course list, but the default focus often ends being inclined towards energetic language, emotional elements or less precise teachings. IPH recognizes is that it is when we move beyond a surface level understanding of our bodies and really build fully on evidence-based experiential anatomy, we can experience our deepest, most sustainable somatic shifts- including in our "subtle bodies"! While many training courses offer memorable inner experiences, they may not focus on research-based knowledge, or concrete skill set needed to become a successful practitioner. Similarly, other trainings may focus on sublte energetics of the body without offering the kind of in-depth, structured knowledge of anatomy needed to build our work on strong foundations. The IPH training rests on three core pillars that draw on four decades of teaching and education experience within bodywork and inner journeying. The program's foundation has been influenced and built by senior professionals in the fields of Anatomy of Movement®, Fascia Research, Osteopathy, Applied Somatics, Dream Shamanism & Clinical Practice. It is a method not based primarily on the founders' personal experience or charisma, but on solid knowledge that is in-built in the very fabric and structure of the training.
Who will be my clients once I complete this course?There is an immense need for precise pelvic work and womb healing among women in all life stages and cultures. Pelvic professionals who are trained specifically from the starting point of anatomy and do not base their work in some way on massage, energy healing or yoga are exceedingly rare, and the knowledge provided by a such a program is a valuable asset. By learning a distinct set of exercises that purely follow the anatomical shapes of the body, you will be able to share sessions with women who are reclaiming their bodies, awakening their bliss, rebuilding their pelvic health, creating healthy boundaries or simply connecting with their intuitive feminine guidance. Combined with a knowledge of dream journeying, this program equips you with both grounded body-based practices and intuitive tools to accompany women in varying stages— whether they are expanding their heart guidance, discovering their true voice, reconnecting with the pelvis or simply awakening their intuition.
What is the daily time comittment I should expect?To fully experience the course in all its depth, it is recommended to set aside 1.5-2 hours per day, with one day per week off.
What if I cannot attend some of the live sessions?No worries- all live sessions will be recorded and you can access them at any time.
What is self-empowered bodywork and what makes it unique?Self-empowered bodywork guides us through an inside-out awarness of our body, cultivating tools that last a lifetime without depending on special settings or gurus. Traditional treatments taking place in separate therapy settings or without conscious integration into broader physical structures may become one-off moments for the body, rather than cultivating the radiant long-term health many are seeking. That is why inner sensory discovery and anatomy-based movements are so vital. These practices create a methodical inside-out body awareness, strategically designed to integrate into daily life— making the individual feel that she herself is affecting change from within. This grounds us into a new power to communicate, shift and journey into the layers of our body. Self-empowered bodywork also aligns deeply with the feminine principle which guides to fully know, trust and enjoy our own bodies.
What do you mean when you say this course is "research-based"?The term "research-based" refers to the fact that all teachings in this course rest on knowledge derived from clinical experience, academic publishing and advanced education. This lends a flow and structure to the course which makes the material concise and easy to integrate. The anatomy modules are based on the natural shapes and vectors of the body that have been studied over the past 40 years in modern anatomy, and constitute a distinct field of study on its own that nourishes whole body health. In the same way, the shamanic dream journey and teaching methodology components rest on best practices in modern shamanic study and professional holistic education.
Will my client practice be limited to my region, or can I reach clients living elsewhere?Since this modality does not depend on physical adjustments and instead promotes self-empowered bodywork, you can not only work with clients near you but with women across the country and beyond, allowing your practice to grow regardless of location. As the program rests on research in established methods like Anatomy of Movement® which affect profound change through the client's own actions, you have accees to a vast repertoire of practices that do not ask for physical adjustment. This not only creates a deep sense of empowerment for women based on their own body agency, but also allows you to share your expertise with a client base across the world.
I have seen courses out there using some similar sounding words. Are you affiliated with them?Integrative Pelvic Health® is an original research-based method that is not affiliated with offerings that have emerged since under similar sounding names. All our facilitators that have graduated from our program have gone through methodologically sound training that builds on 40+ years of best practices in anatomy, dreamtime journeying and teaching skills. If you wish to experience an original Integrative Pelvic Health® session, be sure to reach out to us via the contact page so we can direct you to a qualified practitioner in your region.
Are you ready for this adventure?
Your body is calling you into a new life.
Will you heed the call?
Starts Nov 18, 2024
4-week training
Investment: $1780 USD
Early Bird: $1480 USD
-early bird limited to 6 women-
Deposit to secure spot: $580 USD
In case of questions, please contact
This training counts as a main module towards the full Holistic Somatic Healing® Certificate. Upon completion, you will receive a graduate diploma for the complete Integrative Pelvic Health module.