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Wild Woman Rising


Womb Shamanism & Sacred Union-

Calling in your Soulmate


3-week online training immersion into female pelvic anatomy and sacred sensuality


Are you ready to discover your inner Wild Woman, to step into your Womb Wisdom and to awaken your Female Medicine Shaman?


Shamanism has long been considered a male dominated field, but what is often forgotten is that the first shamans were women, and that our monthly cycles were the original shamanic journey.


Now more than ever, we are called to stand in our most rooted strength and help build a new paradigm in our evolution as humans. The return of the Divine Feminine and our embodiment of our womb wisdom is the key to this evolution.

The path of the female mystery schools is making its way back into our collective awareness so that we can balance our spiritual systems with a profoundly feminine approach.






Your body and womb carry gifts of a unique lineage, teachings of of hidden masters that live in your ancestry and DNA


Whose names you may not know, but whose skills have been honed over centuries and lie at your fingertips if you dare take the journey into the deepest parts of yourself.









The Pelvic Journey Leads Us

to 3 Gateways:


1st Gateway:  Returning to the Root of Life- Essential Embodiment

Each woman has a wild nature, a reservoir of resources that lie dormant and are waiting to awaken. Through shamanic meditations, you will journey with the female archetypes and connect to your womb and pelvis anatomy so you can learn to speak your truth and stand in your unique womb power. Focus of the week: Essential Pelvic Embodiment, Anatomy-Based Vocal Activation, Finding your yes and no.


2nd Gateway: Deeper into Pleasure- Advanced Pelvic Anatomy

We often experience an inner shadow that predates on our deepest desires and keeps us in fear of our own strength and potential. To let our gifts shine, it is essential that we learn to transmute this shadow through inner listening and earth-based practices. This week is a deep-dive into your hidden treasure chest of talents and grounding female shamanic ritual. Focus of the week: Elemental Grounding Rituals, Crafting Your Wound Mandala, Casting a Protective Shield


3rd Gateway: Wild Pelvis, Wild Soul- The Sensual Alchemy of the Womb Space

Coming to cherish and enjoy the sensuality of our body is a key in awakening our medicine woman gifts. Through anatomically guided pelvis & yoni exercises and dream journeys into your sensual nature, you will get in touch with this most potent tool that grounds all your gifts in the joy of the body. Focus of the week: Pelvic Anatomy Activation, Yoni Bliss Exercises, Herbal Womb Healing & Yoni Steaming, Yoni Egg Class



As we conclude our training, you will be led to meet your Womb Wisdom Lineage in a feminine dimension of consciousness called dream time- a place where you naturally channel and receive information from otherworld. You will be expertly guided into your personal rituals to share your talents as a Medicine Woman. Focus of the week: Wild Career & Heart Business Blueprint, Living Your Talents, Owning Your Ancestral Gifts

This course offers some of most transformational tools available to women today:


  • 2.5 hours of full-immersive live sessions per week with the lead facilitator

  • Daily Dream Time Shamanic Journeys (recorded & accessed in your own time)

  • Anatomy of Movement® for Pelvic Sensuality and Female Health

  • Introduction to Yoni Eggs based on anatomy research and key insights

  • Rewilding and Elemental Rituals for Woman

  • Yoni Bliss Activation to enhance pleasure

  • Anatomy Flow & Breathwork

  • Womb Shamanism & Womb Awakening Teachings

  • Online Womb Healing Circles (live events)

  • Inner Listening Practices

  • Herbal Yoni Steaming to heal womb imprints

  • Embodied Restorative Movement

You will be able to access the daily content in your own time and share your insights in our Online Group when you are ready. If you cannot attend the  live events, recordings will be made available afterwards.




A video introduction

from your lead  facilitator <3

You will leave this training immersion with:


🔻Enhanced intuitive guidance and knowledge of your wisdom gifts

🔻Stronger connection to your talents and a blueprint to begin living them fully

🔻Practical, tried-and-tested tools to step into the next octave of your personal & professional life

🔻A Set of Pelvic Embodiment practices based the world-renowned Anatomy of Movement® method

🔻Enhanced ability to feel pleasure through your yoni based on your unique anatomy

🔻Initiation into forgotten Womb Shamanism Practices that have existed across the world

🔻A handbook with information, exercises and ideas to use for yourself or with clients

🔻A foundation to create personalized shamanic sessions to support people in need at this crucial time

🔻Rootedness in your ancestral and spiritual lineages to call in safety, protection & guidance to weather all storms


Upon completion, you will receive a foundational certificate from the School of Embodied Healing Arts.

This will qualify you to embark on further studies with the school and with an international network

of shamanic practitioners.


What does a typical day look like?​


In your own home and time zone, you will move through:

 ðŸŒ¹ Womb Awakening Shamanic Journey (30-40 min)


🌹  Embodiment Practice (30 minutes), such as ~Pelvic Bliss Anatomy,

Anatomical Vocal Activation, Herbal Immersion,

Yoni Steaming, Yoni Egg Intro Tutorial,

Breathwork for deep relaxation

Heart centered career & business plan ~


🌹  Daily support, discussion & sharing in our private group

whenever you choose 




🌹  Weekly Live Womb Connection Session of 2.5 hours duration
(available for replay in case you can't attend)


"I can't believe that 4 days after going to a Soulmate Workshop with Sanya I actually met my fiancé."


- Cora H., US






"Sanya's course empowered the connection with my divine feminine so deeply. After a years of missing periods, I started bleeding after our first group meeting. The knowledge Sanya has is ancestral and her guidance is profound and powerful. She is the real deal"


- Fiona H., Spain






"I went through many physical therapies over the years and I could never make contact with my womb. After a one-hour session with Sanya it actually happened."


- Amber D., UK






Begins October 15th 2020

3-week immersion

Limited group size

Investment: $338 USD

early bird till October 7th: $288 USD

In case of  questions, please contact Sanya at





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Do You Feel the Medicine Woman

Rising Inside of you?





Wild Medicine Woman is laying flower petals at your feet.

Will You Heed  the Call?






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